CLEVELAND, Ohio (WOIO) - Chris Walden owns Pavement Maintenance Specialties.
It’s a concrete and asphalt paving company.
A few weeks ago thieves broke into his business on Almira Ave in Cleveland.
The robbery was caught on a security camera.
He shared the footage with 19 News.
“I saw our gate in the middle of the street and I knew something bad happened and I drove in and noticed the garage door open,” said Walden. “I looked in and saw my vehicles were missing.”
The thieves got away with two of Walden’s work trucks along with thousands of dollars worth of equipment.
“It’s sad... we work real hard, we’re invested in the community. I’m baffled,” said Walden.
Walden was able to recover one of his trucks thanks to a tip from a good Samaritan, but one of his trucks is still missing.”
“It’s a 2019 F-550 service body vehicle with a lumber rack on it and all the different tools,” said Walden.
If you know anything about that truck or the thieves who stole it, Walden is encouraging you to call Cleveland Police.
He says his trucks and tools keep him and his team in business.
“I have employees here that rely on me for their livelihood... we have clients that rely on us to do what we told them we would do,” said Walden.
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